Thursday, August 23, 2012

Lazy Thursday

 Well apparently there is a hurricane coming toward Florida... Although they say this all the time and it's usually just rain. I spent the day trying to get my books for college on Monday but if the hurricane comes then it will probably be canceled for a day! I also went to Target to get my boyfriend his new glasses. They are very cute Ray-Bans and now I think I may get a pair. Either that or cat's eye vintage ones. I picked up some knee highs while I was there (black and white) so I'm ready for colder weather.
 I'm just borrowing these shoes from my sister but I love them! I love anything white and lacy though. Well I'm gonna go back to watching Hell on Wheels. I'm hooked on it!
Dress: Forever 21
Shoes: Borrowed from my sister
Belt: Forever 21

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