Saturday, May 25, 2013

My puppy and I

 Here's me and my sweet baby, Remy. He actually posed for the picture! He makes my heart melt.
This was such a fun weekend. I sold a few things at the Deland fourth friday art festival. I met so many awesome people and I am so thankful! Today, while thrifting, I met a sweet lady who liked my outfit and we started talking. She said she liked my attitude and offered to give me some of her old hats and accessories from the 50s and 60s! I'm so excited and appreciative. For any new readers, thank you for checking the blog out! I will be posting items from the shop on here eventually. If you have any questions, my email is Have a great weekend and god bless our troops!
Dress: Ebay
Sweater: Thrifted

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