Wednesday, May 29, 2013

One tired kat

 Today, I worked at the extended day program, substituting for the 5th graders. It's getting pretty exhausting since its so close to the end of the school year. The kids are so hyper! I just got home from the gym where I worked my tired butt off! Now here I am lazing in a hair scarf and nighty courtesy of Ms. Pat! I should have a new outfit post tomorrow, a casual one, because I don't feel like curling my hair :(. Also, I ordered this lovely dress today! I can't wait to wear it.
For anyone in the central Florida area, I will be at the Deland indie festival on Sunday from 12-7 selling clothes and accessories from kittykatvintage. Stop by and mention the blog and I will give you a good deal! Anything not sold after Sunday will be put on etsy. xoxo, Amber

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Hats galore

 I posted yesterday about the woman (Pat) I met at the thrift store. She offered to give me some vintage hats and such that she had and I very happily obliged. Today, Dakota and I went over there and she gave us so many amazing things! This is seriously like the lottery for me. I am so so grateful that there are still kind and generous people out there like Pat. She opened up her home to us and donated the most beautiful hats, hair scarves, gloves, robes, coats, and other wonderful things. I will definitely use and love all of these things. Here are some pictures of me modeling the lovely hats.

 Below-a beautiful vintage peach angora wrap that belonged to her mother. I absolutely adore it!
 Look at those amazing towels! and the bobby pins!!! The pearl glasses case is gorgeous. More pictures to come and thank you so much Pat! I aspire to be more like you.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

My puppy and I

 Here's me and my sweet baby, Remy. He actually posed for the picture! He makes my heart melt.
This was such a fun weekend. I sold a few things at the Deland fourth friday art festival. I met so many awesome people and I am so thankful! Today, while thrifting, I met a sweet lady who liked my outfit and we started talking. She said she liked my attitude and offered to give me some of her old hats and accessories from the 50s and 60s! I'm so excited and appreciative. For any new readers, thank you for checking the blog out! I will be posting items from the shop on here eventually. If you have any questions, my email is Have a great weekend and god bless our troops!
Dress: Ebay
Sweater: Thrifted

Thursday, May 23, 2013

cutie pie picnic

I waited all morning for the Fedex guy to get here. I did not shower or do my makeup until after 1 because I had to make sure I was at the door when he arrived, but it was all worth it because I received my DREAM bathing suit! I'm not even ashamed to show this much skin because it really flaunts the good parts. At first I was afraid to spend this kind of money on a bathing suit, but its sturdy, fits amazingly, and is unique and adorable. I am very happy with my purchase and I can't wait to match it with my red leather wedges and my red heart shaped sunglasses!
Bathing Suit: Lucy B

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Pastel and petticoat

  I recently got this dress in the mail and I was so excited to pair it with my petticoat.
It's from Hell Bunny and it is just the cutest thing I ever did see! Today I started pricing all the vintage items I will be selling on Friday at an art festival in downtown Deland. I really hope some things sell, but either way it should be a fun time. In other news, my grandpa gave me his old typewriter today! He is so sweet. I love typewriters and any sort of dated technology. These pictures were taken by my boyfriend's sister, Delaney. (Thank you!) Check out her youtube.

Dress: Hell Bunny
Shoes: TJmaxx
Flower: H&M

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Quick room tour

Happy weekend everyone! I will be posting photos of my outfit tomorrow, but until then, I wanted to share my room with y'all. I love love love it because it reflects my style and love of pretty vintage things. Enjoy!

                                                My comforter from Target. Shabby Chic!
                                                              My lovely window seat
                                                                   My typewriter!
                                                     Notice a pattern? I love Gone With The Wind!
More tomorrow! xoxo, Amber

Thursday, May 16, 2013

I'm Back!

There have been quite a few changes since we last spoke....

I got a haircut...

I became a substitute teacher! (Its been interesting...)

                    I got a scottish terrier puppy! My dream! His name is Remington. (Remy for short)

                                    And as you can see (and now I can too) I got new glasses!

I have finished my second semester of college and I will be posting as much as I can this summer! I have a ton of cute clothes to show you and I will be stocking the shop as soon as I can. What's new in your world? 
xoxo, Amber and Remy <3