Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Brand new shoes

 As seen in the title, I got to wear my new shoes today! They are quite comfortable and they look cute with sock so that's a plus.I went to my favorite thrift store after class today and I found some wonderful things. I got a 60s dress with a cute belt, a polka dot shirt with a bow, and my boyfriend found a The Who's Tommy album with a pinball cover! If this place ever closed I would probably lay down and die...
Oh! For all of my fellow cat lovers out there: I was informed by my brother this morning that my cat had somehow gotten through the door last night, unnoticed, with a live rat in his mouth! He was caught trying to get into my room before he was thrown outside. I don't even want to think about the horror that could have been if he had gotten in bed with me! Aren't cats adorable?! Well, I'm off to bed. Goodnight. xoxo, Amber
Dress: Vintage
Socks: H&M
Shoes: Makemechic

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